
Painting has a long history, and the decision to be a painter means understanding the history of the medium and how one can choose to use or disrupt that history. The goal of the Painting program is to educate students who are aware of painting as a language that comprises a vocabulary of symbols, metaphors, representational systems, and documentary ambitions, as well as material processes.

From the earliest images on cave walls, painters have found inspiration in both the world around them and their own internal worlds. Students are encouraged to acknowledge and understand painting’s long traditions. Many students discover extensive connections between contemporary issues and the medium’s rich history. Art history courses contribute to a student’s understanding of the important role played by artists in society. In this way, painting can be seen and understood as a documentary record, as evidence of a personal vision, and as a tool for achieving personal and social goals.

In the painting concentration students explore issues of representation through projects that inspire risk-taking and discovery. Painting students are provided with a basic grounding in materials and techniques used to construct and develop paintings. Equally important are projects that encourage thematic investigation, whether it be through observational painting or investigations of personal, political, and socially coded imagery. Abstraction, conceptual concerns, and mixed media serve as vehicles for extending the painting experience.

BFA Degree Requirements

A minimum of 120 total degree credits are required for a BFA degree. Within the 120 total credits a minimum of 66 must be studio art credits, with 30 of the 66 credits at the 3000/4000 level.


Studio Art Credits



Art History Credits



General Education Requirements & Electives

Suggested Sequence of Study

Suggested Sequences of Study for BFA concentrations are only samples/suggested course schedules. Requirements are subject to change and may vary based on catalog year, curriculum changes and course availability.

First Year

Semester 1
ART1010/Studio Concepts /3cr.
ART1020/Criticism & Interpretation /3cr.
ART1030/Drawing 1 /3cr.
Art History 1000/Content Area 1 /3cr.
English 1010/1011 /4cr.
Total Credits /16

Semester 2
ART1040/Drawing 2 /3cr.
ART2310/Basic Studio Painting /3cr.
ART2410, 2510, or 2610 /3cr.
Content Area 2 /3cr.
Content Area 3 /3–4cr.
Total Credits /15–16

Second Year

Semester 3
ART2410, 2510, or 2610 /3cr.
ART2410, 2510, or 2610 /3cr.
Elective /3cr.
Content Area 3 (Lab) /3cr.
Content Area 4 /4cr.
Total Credits /16cr.

Semester 4
ART2010/Life Drawing 1 /3cr.
ART3310 Intermediate Painting /3cr.
Studio Art Elective /3cr.
Content Area 1 /3cr.
Content Area 4 /3cr.
Total Credits /15cr.

Third Year

Semester 5
ART3000L Painting/Drawing* (ART3310) /3cr.
ART3000L Painting/Drawing* (ART3350) /3cr.
Studio Art Elective /3cr.
Art History 1000/2000L or 3000/4000 /3cr.
Math/Stats Q /3cr.
Total Credits /15cr.

Semester 6
ART3000L Painting/Drawing* (ART3010) /3cr.
Studio Art Elective /3cr.
Studio Art 3000/4000L Elective /3cr.
Art History 3000/4000L Elective /3cr.
Content Area 2 /3cr.
Total Credits /15cr.

Fourth Year

Semester 7
ART3901 Advance Studio Projects /3cr.
ART3330 Advanced Painting /3cr.
Studio Art 3000/4000L Elective /3cr.
Art History 3000/4000 /3cr.
Elective /3cr.
Total Credits /15cr.

Semester 8
ART4901 Senior Project /3cr.
Studio Art 3000/4000L Elective /3cr.
Studio Art 3000/4000L Elective /3cr.
Elective /3cr.
Elective /3cr.
Total Credits /15cr.

Minimum 9 credits of Painting/Drawing 3000L Requirements
Art 3010 / Life Drawing 2
Art 3030# / Advanced Drawing
Art 3350 / Aquamedia I
Art 3360/ Aquamedia II
Art 3370 / Advanced Figure Studies

Studio Art 3000/4000L Electives may include:
Art 3993 / Art Foreign Study (ISI Florence)

#May be repeated once.

BA Degree

Students pursuing a BA in Studio Art are not required to declare a concentration, and therefore follow a more general Plan of Study.

BFA & BA Student Work in Painting/Drawing


Painting/Drawing Instagram

New work from Alyssa Patrick combining her interest in textiles and painting. #uconnart #uconngraphicdesign #uconnpnd #uconnsfa ...

Tell your friends: Made In Florence opens Monday, Feb. 12th in VAIS (ARTB 109) from 4 to 6 PM. ...

A newly minted drawing from Katie Webb in Experimental Drawing. #uconnart #uconndrawing #uconnpnd ...

Self-portrait work from Maya Bustamante while enrolled in Life Drawing I. #uconnart #uconnpnd #uconndrawing #uconnsfa ...

More work from Prof. Guarino’s Life Drawing I course. This one’s from Macguire Nelson. #uconnsfa #uconndrawing #uconnpnd ...

From Fall 2022 but still good! This one’s from Irene Pham while enrolled in Prof. Brad Guarino’s Figure Drawing I class. #uconndrawing #uconnsfa #uconnart #uconnpnd ...

Work by Aalia Haque from Prof. Guarino’s Spring 2023 Life Drawing I class. #uconnpnd #uconnart #uconndrawing ...

Some initial test drawings in ART 3030 as we get to know the new drawing machine #uconnpnd #uconnart #uconnsfa ...