
MFA Studio Art Thesis Preview Opening Reception 2/28 from 4-6 pm

On Wednesday Feb. 28th Greenhouse Studios, located on the 1st floor of the Homer Babbage Library, will host the opening reception of the MFA Studio Art Thesis Preview from 4-6pm.

This event is the first art exhibition to be shown in the newly installed gallery space within Greenhouse Studios.

The exhibition features the work of the five current, third-year studio art graduate students and serves as a preview of their work before the culmination of their final thesis exhibition to held at the William Benton Museum of Art, beginning in April.

Featured artwork by:

Kelsey Miller

Kaleigh Rusgrove

Erin Smith

Jelena Prljevic

Claire Stankus

Curated by: River Soma

Please join us for some art, inspiration and the celebration of our new gallery space. All are welcome and light refreshments will be served.